Photographer Jukka Lehmus
Photography means, for most of the time, walking around a lot and finding a vantage point where the light and all the different things that are lying out there start to move and come together in some mysterious or banal way to form a picture with a life of its own.
It's not important how one calls this approach — be it existentialist landscape or abstract street photography — at the end there always is just the picture, and these pictures aren't created in an attempt to communicate something specific about the sites they depict.
Keilaniemi / Kägeludden. January 8.–February 2. 2015, Galleria Jangva / Studio, Helsinki
Krossener Straße. April 1.–21. 2011, kaufhaus der berliner, Berlin-Friedrichshain
Paris Berlin Helsinki. April 22.–May 10. 2009, Galleria Jangva, Helsinki
Kauristie 24, 02860 Espoo, Finland
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